Hop aboard boston's original and world famous, boston duck tours and enjoy a fully narrated, historic tour of boston in a wwii style amphibious vehicle that travels on land and water.. Duck tours are tours that take place on purpose-built amphibious tour buses or military surplus dukws and larc-vs. duck tours are primarily offered as tourist attractions in harbor, river and lake cities.. Boston duck tours is a privately owned company that operates historical tours of the city of boston using replica world war ii amphibious dukw vehicles. boston duck tours first started running tours in boston, ma on october 5, 1994..
Boston duck tours | boston, ma man! they sure do love
Woman killed by duck boat while riding a motor scooter
Boston duck tours editorial image. image of tour
It's boston duck tours job to provide visitors and locals alike a great first impression of our amazing city. you should definitely take our tour as soon as you arrive in boston as it is a great way to get familiarized with the city. boston duck tours is a great company with great philanthropic and guest service based values..
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